Get In The Picture

I cannot tell you how many pictures I didn’t take because I was critical of my body. Or how many photos I took and then dissected how my body looked and then deleted them. Or let myself go into a shame spiral over what I looked like on photos.

I look back at those photos now and just feel grateful that I captured the moment with people that I love, in places that I love, and have a memory of that moment. I also look back at those photos and feel so sad for that girl who was tearing her body and her looks apart. That in that moment I wasn’t truly living or experiencing, but instead feeling insecure and self conscious and scared of my body.

That is part of why I created WE Empower, to help other women enjoy life more instead of feeling insecure and unhappy. So I wanted to share some advice about getting in the picture.

So why should you get in the picture even if you don’t feel confident in your body?

  1. To preserve the memory and the moment. Whether it is a moment on vacation, your wedding day, or a moment with your child or family, get in the picture. My grandfather died last year and I am so grateful for the photos I have with him. Even if I didn’t feel confident taking every photo, I am so so happy that I had a way to preserve those memories and have that to look back on.

  2. For fun! Photos don’t have to be for social media or for some curated look at your body or your life. They can live on your phone or in your home and serve as a reminder of the fun and delight in that moment. I have some seriously goofy photos with some of my best friends that I am so glad I have.

  3. Your body does not define your worth. That’s right! Get in the photo because what your body looks like in that photo does not define your worth or how much joy you get to experience. So get in the picture because that memory is more important than your body, trust me.

I know it is hard. I know that photos can be triggering and challenging and looking back at old photos in a different body can be hard, but I want you to have those photos. I want you to have them because I don’t want you to miss out on your life. I don’t want you to not capture or feel memories because of your body.

It is just a body. It does not define you. It allows you to move through and experience life. It is a gift to have a body to live. A gift to be able to experience life and capture it in memory and photographs and so much more.

I know that it can be easier to hate your body and feel insecure about it rather than grateful and accepting of your body. But there is a way to accept your body, love yourself, and enjoy your life. 

Here are some more tips about how to get into the picture and enjoy the moments and memories:

  1. Don’t look at the photo right after taking it. Let it sit in your phone and go back to look at it when you’re wanting to experience the memory, not right away when you are in the memory. Right away you might have the urge to tear apart the angle or how your body looks, but after some time passes, even an hour, you can take the photo in for more than it is, more than your body.

  2. Don’t post photos on social media. I don’t mean never, but I mean, don’t take every photo with the intention of posting it on social media. Social media can make us feel on display and judged, so I avoid it as the sole reason for taking photos. Focus on the memory and moment.

  3. Look at your face in the photo. Do you see joy and happiness and love? The look on your face in that photo is what it is all about. Not your body.

Want more tools on working towards body acceptance? Join me at the Love Yourself & Love Your Body Virtual Workshop on February 21, 2023!


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