Ditch the Scale…Seriously.

Let me just come straight out with it: the scale is not a full representation of your health and can create an upsetting power dynamic with your body size and the number it says. DITCH IT.

I used to weigh myself every single day. Then I would let that number dictate my happiness for the rest of the day or week or month.

If the number was smaller I celebrated. I reminded myself that going to bed hungry every night was “worth it” for that decrease in size. Cue eating only clementines when my stomach was GROWLING like crazy at 8pm.

If the number was larger I went into a tailspin of self hate. I was a loser. I wasn’t working hard enough. I hated myself. Then it was a domino effect, I either worked out more, ate less, and demanded my  body get smaller, OR, I would see the larger number and binge eat and hate myself more and more.

So when I decided to end constant dieting and body hatred I stopped weighing myself. It was stealing too much joy, I was giving it too much power, so I stopped.

So here is what I want you to know:

  1. The number on the scale does not define your worth

  2. The number on the scale should not have power over your happiness or joy

  3. The number on the scale should not dictate how you live your life

Please stop giving an inanimate object power over you. Please.

Once I ditched the scale I could focus more on celebrating my body, listening to my body, and tuning into what my body needed (rest, water, food, movement, etc). My body and my worth were no longer tied to a number and instead tied to how I felt. That made it worth it for me. I was able to enjoy life and not let a number dictate my day or mood or my worth. I want that for you too.

Ready to ditch the scale and find body acceptance, checkout my upcoming workshop: The Love Yourself & Love Your Body Virtual Workshop


The Case for Clothes That Fit


Body Checking: What it is and how to stop